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Apply for a Home

If you’re looking to apply to us for housing, you can do this either in person, or telephone, or by booking an appointment, or by completing our housing application form below.

The Association operates an Allocation Policy which assess each application on housing need, this is done through a structured pointing system. It is therefore important that you complete the form with as much detail as possible about your current housing circumstances and for anyone who will be living with you, so that the application can be accurately assessed, and the relevant points awarded. It is especially important to answer all medical questions if someone to be rehoused with you has a medical condition which needs to be taken into consideration.

Once you have completed and submitted your application, you will receive a confirmation email/letter. Your application is then uploaded and assessed by staff and pointed. We will write to you within 10 days of receiving your application to advise you of your points.

Depending on your details we may ask for further confirmation of your circumstances.

Some examples of confirmation may include: 

  • Confirmation of National Insurance Number
  • Confirmation of Employment
  • Written Confirmation of Pregnancy 
  • Photographic Identity
  • Proof of Address
  • Confirmation of Medial Condition / History
  • Letter of Support from an agency that provides support to you and your family.

Sometimes, depending on your circumstances it may be necessary for us to suspend your housing application from offers. We will always write to you with reasons if we do.

Anyone aged 16 years or over can apply for a Craigdale Housing Association home by contacting the office. If you would like a copy of our Allocations Policy, please see below or please contact our office for a copy.

For any other questions regarding the application process please contact a member of the housing team on 0141 634 6473 or email

Please let us know if you have any other requirements such as translation to another language, large print or Braille.