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Five Year Plans

Craigdale Housing Association wants to “provide a first class maintenance service which offers value for money and ensures the comfort and safety of our residents while achieving high levels of satisfaction” and maintain properties where people want to live and create a home. As part of this commitment we have developed an Asset Management Strategy which describes how we will plan ahead to keep our stock in good condition and make the right investment at the right time.

Our 5-Year Programme for your home has been developed from information we have on our housing stock contained within our stock condition survey. This document was revised and developed with Quantity Surveyors to incorporate our legislative and energy efficiency requirements.

We continually invest in our homes and aim to get as much as we can out of our components and renew them only when they reach the end of their useful life. This way we get value for money and, just as important, we are able to keep our rents affordable to tenants and meet our customers’ expectations.

If you have any questions please contact Chief Executive Officer, on 0141-634-6473 or email

Notes: The programmes are based on assumptions that components have reached the end of their lifespan. Properties may be removed from contracts if the component has already been replaced. The Association will do its best to keep to the programme and dates we have indicated. However, if circumstances beyond our control force us to reschedule any proposed works we will make sure residents are given information about the changes as soon as possible.

Please note common works may be subject to owner consultation which may cause delays.

Any tenant affected by these programmes will be contacted individually.